Topics in AFAS: A Studio Lab Course on the Politics of Reproduction,Part II: Race, Gender, and Power


The Politics of Reproduction offers an engaged space for students to learn about and develop projects with a community agency around the topic of the "politics of reproduction" over two semesters. In the first semester, students studied the intersection between politics, gender, race, and reproduction and began partnering with St. Louis reproductive and sexual health agencies to explore how agencies, communities, and individuals have been affected following the Dobbs decision, and have re-strategized the pursuit of reproductive agency and desires. In the second semester, students will continue to use interdisciplinary approaches to understand historical, medical, legal, political, racialized, and sociocultural issues surrounding reproductive choice, regulation of choice, abortion, pregnancy, sex education, new reproductive technologies, and reproductive justice movement, and will examine the connections between scholarly findings and current policies, organizational initiatives, and public concerns. They will bring these insights to bear in their work with community partners and in their culminating written work to reflect, as a collective, on the politics of reproduction in Missouri today. A crucial component of this second semester is class collaboration on a mapping project, with support from Olin Libraries that will visualize the reproductive health ecosystem in the state of Missouri today. Together, students will incorporate a variety of interpretive lenses into the project, collecting and managing extensive public health data sets and interrogating the affordances and limitations of such data for this complex topic. The class will also embark on a field trip to Jefferson City to attend a crucial day of lobbying for pro-choice and reproductive justice legislation. Since a significant portion of the course's project work is involved in community partnerships as well as data visualization of the politics and public health management of sexual and reproductive hea
Course Attributes: FA HUM; AR HUM

Section 01

Topics in AFAS: A Studio Lab Course on the Politics of Reproduction,Part II: Race, Gender, and Power - 01
INSTRUCTOR: Parikh, Lieberman
View Course Listing - SP2024