Graduate Study in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Our graduate certificate program allows students in MA/PhD programs to enhance their disciplinary studies with courses in gender studies.
The graduate certificate in women, gender, and sexuality studies requires the completion of five courses, at least two of which must be drawn from 5000-level WGSS courses. The additional three required courses must be drawn from a 5000-level WGSS or from other, department-approved, gender-based courses, and up to 6 credits can double count between your program and the certificate (see the Director for approval). Since the certificate requires three courses beyond those required for a student's degree, participation in the certificate program may require an extra semester of graduate courses. Earning the certificate should not increase a student’s expected time to degree. Those not interested in a certificate, but wanting to concentrate on gender within their disciplines to enhance their credentials and enrich their training, may do so by pursuing a graduate minor according to the policies of their individual departments. The minimum grade for coursework to count toward the certificate is a B.
How to Apply
Graduate students interested in the graduate certificate should first apply for admission to the Washington University department in which they wish to obtain an advanced degree. After being admitted, each student should notify his/her department advisor and the WGSS program director of plans to obtain the WGSS certificate. In addition, students should submit an "Application for Admission to Certificate Program" form to the Office of Graduate Studies in Arts and Sciences, with a copy to the WGSS office. The earlier we know who you are, the earlier we can include you in mailings about program activities, lectures, conferences, and other events. Certificate application forms are available at
Application forms and questions should be directed to Professor Rachel Brown.