Ivan Bujan traces histories of illness and resistance in “(Un)masking Health: Counter Perspectives”

Ivan Bujan is a Performance Studies scholar working at the intersections of critical gender, race, and sexuality studies, queer and trans of color critique, and contemporary visual cultures and performance, and he is deeply invested in creating publicly engaged scholarship on social justice and disparities in health.

Professor Bujan’s in-progress book manuscript highlights strategies queer of color artists have utilized to circumvent white supremacy, cis-masculinity, ableism, and systemic racism in the cultural history of the ongoing HIV/AIDS crisis. The project centers a seldom studied domain of work related to AIDS, taking anti-HIV drug regimens and prevention methods as a key visual motif and responding to the contested pharmaceutical politics of the late 1980s onward. Bujan’s research appears in edited volumes of  Viral Dramaturgies: HIV and AIDS in Performance in the 21st Century (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018) and (Un)Desiring Whiteness: (Un)Doing Sexual Racism (Oxford University Press, forthcoming), Masculinities: A Journal of Identity and Culture and Theatre Journal.